Sunday, February 6, 2011

McDonough: Introduction

I am very interested in reading the rest of Cradle to Cradle.  The introduction was about how being environmental friendly can affect design.  Trying to be enviromental friendly is a good thing, but I know whenever I see a "green" product I wonder if it is really as good as the original.  In the introduction we learn about the view points of Bill and Michael.  I think that there is a time and place for new products to come around in my green ways, but like the book said sometimes the products that are made from recycles materials produce just as much waste and use just as much energy as the product they are trying to replace.  This made me wonder that even though things are made out of recycled material should they really be considered enviromental friendly if they are doing just as much good as they are bad?  Don't get me wrong I believe that we should be researching towards new materials so we lessen out foot print on the world, but I also think these products need to have positives that outweigh the negatives.  Over all I am excited to reading more of this book and seeing what it has to offer to the way I think about green products.

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