Sunday, February 6, 2011

50 Things

I went to the Thompson Library to see if I could find 50 things that I may or may not have noticed before.
1. side rooms have carpeting
2. doorways going from room to room are made of cement
3. there are information centers on ground and 1st floors
4. pillars are made of cement
5. there are restrooms located on each floor
6. there are signs pointing towards the restrooms
7. outlets on sides on the chair/lamp stands
8. there are exit signs near exit doors
9. fire alarm lights in each side room
10. individual rooms have signs with a room number
11. there are signs hanging from the ceiling telling you what you can find there; ex. Microforms
12. outlets built into the floor, and they are covered by tables
13. outlets built into the ceiling
14. stair case has lights hanging off of each step
15. sprinkler system
16. speakers on the ceiling
17. railing goes around the upper floors
18.stair case has glass enclosure with rails
19. elevators for going to higher floors
20. railings for upper floors have heavy wire crossing poles horizontally
21. there is a floor directory on ground and 1st floors
22. part of the ceiling is made up of glass windows
23. part of the wall is made up of glass windows
24. there are desk top computers on some floors
25. the stair case is made up of hard flooring
26. the main walk ways are hard flooring with the side rooms having carpeting
27. some outlets located along the walls
28. outlets located on the pillars
29. art displays on some floors
30. small lockers on the ground level
31. there is a rail on the ground level right under the bottom of the stair case
32. signs saying what wing you are in; ex. East Atrium
33. welcome signs by stairs and elevator
34. on the ground level there are metal plates with different languages etched on them
35. on the ground level there are lights built into the floor located along side the stairs going up to the 1st floor
36. the six levels of book storage can be seen threw glass windows
37. there is one elevator button located between the two elevator doors
38. each step has two stripes of the skid grips
39. there is a theft alarm system located by each ground door
40. there are handicap buttons at the doors
41. bookcases on some levels
42. trash and recycling bins on each level
43. vending machine on ground level
44. covers for the outlets on the floors that are not located under a table
45. some of the walls are wood
46. there is a printer by the computers
47. there is lighting that hangs and lighting that is built into the ceiling
48. large plant on the ground level
49. internet hook up by computers
50. Buck ID withdraw machine on ground level

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